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Send a reminder for your employee survey
Send a reminder for your employee survey

Increase your survey's response rate

Lucy Harvey avatar
Written by Lucy Harvey
Updated over a week ago

Response rates can ebb and flow throughout the year for any number of reasons. For example, perhaps a large proportion of your employees are on holiday, having a particularly meeting-heavy week or have been off sick.

Sending a reminder to employees who haven't answered your survey is a simple trick to raise the profile of your live survey and nudge colleagues to participate.

To send a reminder, simply navigate to your survey homepage, then within the live surveys secion click on the green dropdown menu on the right-hand side and select 'send reminder'.

Watch the video below to see this in action!

Got employees that aren't always on their emails? Select 'share' in the same dropdown menu and use the survey link or QR code across your communications to nudge employees to participate in your survey πŸ™Œ

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