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Managing pulse questions
How can I use multiple question surveys?
How can I use multiple question surveys?

This article explains how to add more than one question to a pulse survey.

Written by Lana Eardley
Updated over a week ago

Stribe now offers the functionality to create longer surveys to get more of an insight into the thoughts and feelings of your team! This will be extremely useful for when you want a more detailed response, thoughts about different aspects of your organisation or for larger projects such as annual surveys!

Multiple question surveys are still created within the pulse surveys area, there are just a couple of extra steps for you to follow!

Please note: to be able to create a pulse survey, you’ll need to have admin permissions on your Stribe account. Please get in touch with your system administrator to add you as an admin account.

To create a multi-question survey follow the steps below or watch the step-by-step video:

  1. Login to your Stribe account as an Admin

  2. From the dashboard, choose the ‘Pulse’ option on the menu on the left hand side of the screen.

  3. In ‘Live Campaigns’ select the ‘New Campaign’ button on the top right of your screen.

  4. Now you’ll come to the adding questions stage 🎉. It will give you a few options here where you can ask a benchmarked question, a question that you’ve asked before or create a whole new question from scratch using the text box!

  5. Once you’ve selected your question, choose the answer type that fits best (note - there are some prompts when you hover over each answer type to give you some suggestions!).

  6. Once you’ve chosen your answer type, the next stage will ask if you’d like to ask a follow up question. We recommend doing this so you get extra insights into why your employees scored the way they did. Find out how this looks in your pulse reports here.

  7. Choose whether you’d like to tag a value onto the question. You can either choose from the drop down menu of values you’ve already set up, or set up a new value from this step.

  8. You’ll get the option to attribute the value to certain answer selections depending on the answer type you choose. For example, if you’re asking a question with the emoji answer type, you may only want it to attribute to the value if it’s ‘happy and very happy’ or perhaps the opposite - depending on what you want to track!

  9. Click save when you’ve added the value.

  10. After deciding whether to use a follow up question, there is an option to add word tiles, where you can select a set of key themes, using Stribe’s recommended topics or type in your own! This can help if an employee may be worried about being identified by free text boxes in the follow up questions, but still wants to give some insight into why they responded the way they did.

  11. Click ‘Save’ using the grey box and your question will be saved!

  12. To add more questions, scroll back to the top of the page, and repeat steps 4 to 8.

  13. You can reorder your questions with a simple drag and drop using the arrow icons, edit your questions using the pencil icon and delete them using the bin icon. Once you’re happy with your list of questions, choose the ‘Confirm Campaign’ button on the right hand side of the page.

  14. When selecting send by email, it will now give you an option for a fixed or dynamic audience. To read more about the different types of audience, see the support article here.

  15. Use the add audience button to select who you want your pulse survey to be sent to. To read more about how to use the audience rules, see the support article here.

    Note - you have to add a rule even if you want it to go to everyone using the ‘Send to Everyone option’.

  16. Introduce your survey by filling in the free text fields with how you want to speak to your team about Stribe! Introductions explain the purpose of the survey and what action will come from people responding to it, to help response rates increase!

  17. Click next and then you’ll come to the final step.. scheduling your campaign! There are various options of how to schedule your pulse survey which you can read more about here.

  18. And now you wait! The responses will begin to come in and form some analysis which you read more about here.

Using longer surveys can be extremely useful and here at Stribe we have some great question banks, so please get in touch with us if you’d like some inspiration for your surveys!

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