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Launch to your users on Stribe!
Launch to your users on Stribe!

This article shows you how to get your employee and user accounts launched so they can start using Stribe.

Written by Lana Eardley
Updated over a week ago

Here at Stribe, we are constantly reviewing our product and making sure it makes the most sense for you - our fab customers! We have recently moved our ‘launch to users’ button, to make it more in line with some of the other features, within the settings - moving from the ‘user search’ function. Follow the step below to launch to your users, or follow along with the video at the bottom of the page!

1. Ensure you’re logged into Stribe as an admin user.

2. Click ‘Settings’.

3. From the menu on the left hand side, find the ‘Employees’ section.

4. Choose ‘Launch to New Employees’.

5. You’ll then have the choice to launch to everyone, only people who haven’t logged in, admins only or employees only.

6. Once you’ve made your selection, click the ‘Launch’ button. You’ll get a pop-up to confirm it’s all launched!

6. You’ll also be able to see a full history of who you’ve launched to, including times and dates.

If employees don't have email addresses on the system:

1. Simply distribute the usernames and passwords you set within your employee upload spreadsheet.

2. When your employees log in for the first time they will be prompted to update their password.

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