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Survey reports explained
Survey reports explained

Understand the data and insights in your survey

Lucy Harvey avatar
Written by Lucy Harvey
Updated over a week ago

Survey reports will be available as soon as employees have responded to the survey. The report breaks down responses in meaningful ways to give you the insights that matter, whilst maintaining anonymity for employees.

Remember! You can share a specific survey reports via a unique URL (as a view only) to external people such as board members, suppliers or others! You can also add a Stribe admin user to a singular survey report (who doesn't currently have full survey permissions). Once added, your Stribe admin can view, download, analyse and action your survey reports, without having visibility over the rest of your surveys. See more information here!

Breakdown of all responses

You will first see an overall breakdown of the responses, and if you hover over each colour the answer type will appear (eg; happy, very happy and so on).

Along the top, you also have the option to view responses broken down by department, location, role, gender or holidays due. If you've included the information in your employee spreadsheet, you can also break the results down by length of service and age. If you're in a grouped campaign, you can see how each group has responded by selecting one of the questions in the Overview drop down.

Click the drop down in the right hand corner labelled 'Segment graph by' and change this from 'All' to the category you'd like the filter the responses by.

You can also find the percentage response rates underneath each segment breakdown- so you can keep track of any teams that need encouragement engaging in your surveys.

Track trends and see how your datas changed over time

Stribe is smart enough to recognise if you've asked the survey question before. With just a quick glance at the graph, you can see how the responses have changed for this question overtime and identify if your employee engagement strategy is working.

If you want to compare different results, you can click the filter above the graph and select the different survey data you'd like to include.


Word tiles are used after the original question is answered to give more context or detail to an answer.

If you enabled word tiles in your survey question, you will see a breakdown of all word tiles used from the most popular to the least.

The colours beneath the word tile respond to the employee's original answer. The legend at the top of the screen will explain which colour relates to which response. For example, blue is ๐Ÿ™‚, green is ๐Ÿ˜€, orange is ๐Ÿ™ and red is ๐Ÿ˜ .

If you hover over the colour you can view what that group's original response was as a percentage of the word tile responses. For example, 18% of respondents have selected the flexible working tile, and 60% of those respondents answered with a blue ๐Ÿ™‚.


The sentiment section uses machine learning to give you an accurate understanding of the sentiment of your campaign's follow-up answers. So very quickly you can get a feel for the respondentโ€™s follow-up answers. This is good for a quick check of how positive or negative the overall responses were

Key Themes

The key themes section pin-points common key phrases within the follow-up comments and displays them for you, ready to export.

Click into individual phrases to understand the detail. You can also colour the key themes by average sentiment and response to get more insights into what your employees are saying.

Read the answers

Lastly, you can view the anonymised responses to the follow-up question. For example, on the left, you can read the follow-up response given by an employee gave who answered the first question with a red ๐Ÿ˜ .

You can also see the sentiment analysis of each response. Helping you to quickly locate specific sentiment responses.

If you cannot see the 'Surveys' section within Stribe it means that you do not have the correct permissions to complete this action. Contact your main system Administrator to gain permission for this action.

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