FAQ - Values

Here you'll find the answers to the most frequently asked questions on the topic of our Values feature.

Written by Lana Eardley
Updated over a week ago

What is a Value?

A value can be whatever you want it to be! Completely personalisable, values have been launched in Stribe, so that you can track what matters most to you.Whether you want to see how your team are feeling, how your managers are performing, or how employees view your culture - it really is completely up to you!

How can Values help me?

When your team answers a pulse survey question that has been tagged with a particular value, this will contribute to that Values’ score and report. Depending on how you decide to track your value (positive or negative), you’ll be able to see the progress of how you’re getting on as an organisation!

What do the scores mean?

The value engagement score is calculated based on how many respondents enter the answers that you decide to contribute to your value. For example, if 55 people respond to your pulse survey and 40 people choose the answers you’ve chosen to track, the calculation will be (40/55)*100. This makes 72%, which we then divide by 10, to get 7.2 - our engagement scores run from 0-10.

What is the difference between values in shout-outs and values in pulse?

Admin users can set up two types of values, one which lives within the settings section, and one that sits within the pulse section (and is our new feature)! What’s the difference? The values within settings are for the shout-outs, this gives your team the option to select that value when sending someone a shout-out. These will not affect the values in your value dashboard within the pulse section, which is our new feature!

Does tagging a value onto a pulse question change the experience for the respondent?

The person answering the pulse survey won’t see any change to the survey (the value is only tagged behind the scenes) so this won’t affect their experience or answers in any way.

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